Hi everyone,
Welcome to our New Updates section of our website. This is where we will do our best to post updates from time to time about what we are up to but before we jump right into it; we thought we would start by introducing ourselves.
Nora's Bahgat is the founder of Nora's Bakery. She is the main one who handles the majority of all operations from the baking, to the marketing, to the designing, to responding to customer inquiries and practically all aspects involved in running a business. Its definitely been a lot to juggle for her. However, at the moment Nora's' Bakery is a small business that started in April 2020 (right at the start of the pandemic) so not too long ago.
However, Nora does have a few helping hands whenever she experiences a high volume of sales such as for special occasions, corporate orders, etc. For example, Nora's mom also has background in baking and is essentially one of her on call employees that assists when it comes to the baking side. For the marketing side; Nora handles majority of marketing herself and will occasionally have her brother work on some of the marketing side as well.
If you would like to learn more about Nora, check out the About section of our website. Also, be sure to check out some of the Valentine's Day current specials that we have on now on our website as well at www.norasbakery.ca/currentspecials